Sunday 6 December 2009

Conventions of a Rock Video

To match with my final video i decided to look and discover more about the codes and conventions of the music video, and how our video either breaks these rules or stays within the boundaries. Below are a list of conventions and how i challenged or kept in with the conventions of a music video:

Main Points:
The lyrics are used to establish the mood of the piece, depending on the choice subject of the artist whether this be a dark or light, sad or happy video usually depends of lyrics.

  • I decided to stay on track with this convention and show the feelings of the original lyrics and what they seem to conjure up. Feeling of darkness, sorrow and death are frequent and therefore i wanted the video to tie in with this instead of breaking convention and it being a happy video as i felt this would ruin the atmosphere of the videos essence.

The musics genre along with the lyrics, change the type of video you create. This will be shown in mise-en-scene, lighting, performance, and setting. If the song is heavy, a darker video will be expected.

  • I decided that i would keep in form with the conventions again on the subject of genre. I believe that genre is the most important thing to get right when creating a video, so i did not want to stray from the soul of the song, which is heavy and therefore staying close within the conventions, should be represented as dark and freaky. For this i used a good choice of settings, that of an old house and a wooded area, both popular in rock videos. For mise-en-scene i used dark clothing throughout with black make up around the eyes and also strange objects such as clowns and rocking horses to 'freak out' the audience.

The music itself. This convention means that the pace of the song usually drives the editing style of the video. If the tempo is fast then the editing usually matches this.

  • I felt that i wanted to give my piece a little more depth than the usual rock video. for this i half challenged the conventions by moving away from consistent fast editing by adding some sustained shots and sequences into the video. This will i believe help the effectiveness of the video when it does speed up later in the song as it is sort of a journey for the audience. The quicker paced editng that i have used in the latter part of the production is effective in representing the excitment of the video.

Camera work should have an impact on the feelings you are trying to portray. Close ups should be frequent as to let the audience connect with the band. Use a variety of different angles to represent the band in a certain way (e.g low angle shot shows the band as powerful)

  • I wanted to use the camera angles to show the feelings of strain and insecurity from the POV of the protagonist/vocalist. I did this by complying with the conventions and using many close ups to show reactions and to connect. I again tied in with the conventions closely when creating the performance part of the video, as i used various low angled and close up shots of the band to make them look powerful. However i did move away from the conventions sometimes by having a varied length of shot in the introduction, as i used long shots to establish moments of terror within the protagonist/vocalist.

A strong relationship between narrative and performance. Many bands within music videos use the duality of both these so that the video is interesting to watch and engaging for the audience. This should be cut between narrative and performance as the video progresses.

  • I decided from the beginning that i wanted to include both a narrative and a performance in my production. However i challenged the conventions by not mixing them up as the video progressed, but by having a narrative story with the ending being a performance. I felt this would be a good idea as i wanted the video to feel like a journey for the audience. This is key as it brings a new element of vusual excitement.
  • I did this by using a transition between the narrative and the performance. The narrative part ended by the protagonist/vocalist finding a door in bushes/trees and walking into and old house where he joined his band to play the remaining part of the song.

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